Johnnie Grinder, a native of San Diego, CA, has always been drawn to exploration. In his childhood, he navigated the intricate network of tunnels beneath his city, uncovering hidden connections between neighborhoods. These early experiences instilled in him a profound appreciation for the underlying patterns that shape existence.
His artistic vision is a fusion of diverse influences, including mandalas, cryptic languages, and mystical landscapes juxtaposed with industrial elements. Drawing from Eastern philosophy, shamanism, and Tibetan Buddhism, as well as concepts from Neuro Linguistic Programming and mind mapping, his work transports viewers into imaginary worlds reminiscent of journeys through alternate realities. Amidst the complexity and chaos of modern life, Grinder seeks to construct systems that evoke peace, organization, and otherworldliness, all while focusing on individual and collective transformation. His pieces often feature notes and ideas that serve as roadmaps for personal evolution.
Grinder pursued his academic interests at U.C. Berkeley, where he studied English literature and anthropology. This academic path led him to explore altered states of consciousness through trance workshops and breathwork. Subsequently, after completing a short film project documenting Buddhist monks in the Bay Area, he embarked on a 13-year journey through Asia, collecting visual inspirations from over 180 cities worldwide. His nomadic lifestyle enriched his artistic perspective and fueled his passion for cultural exploration.
Upon returning to the United States, Grinder pursued an M.F.A. in the animation workshop at U.C.L.A. He left his mark on cities such as Prague, Taipei, and Siem Reap through vibrant mural paintings. For over a decade, he has delved into the creation of biographical portraits that serve as anthropological studies of contemporary life, captured on canvas. He is the author and artist behind "The Tunnels of the Mind," a book that reflects his unique journey and artistic insights.
Currently residing and creating in Jersey City alongside Orange Li, Grinder continues to push the boundaries of his artistic expression at 3 Acres, weaving together elements of his diverse experiences into captivating works of art.
Steam 33 Art Studio
"Steam 33" represents a portal of changes. “Steam” is one of these dynamic changes of elements as water is turned into vapour when heated. This vapour becomes a white mist, or fog. that is often found floating in the dreams of the ancients. It is a symbol of personal transformation, inner alchemy, similar to the metamorphosis of caterpillars as their imaginal cells mix in a genetic soup.
The number "33" was chosen as the portal to this dream life. Here is where we enter and become who we had always imagined and hoped we could one day be.